Beware Of Turner Syndrome In Girls

Beware Of Turner Syndrome In Girls

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Beware Of Turner Syndrome In Girls

Each parent surely want the fruit of his heart grow and develop optimally, one of which is having a good height growth. When the son of stature, generally people would argue that this is caused by a lack of nutrients.

If Your daughter's body is not high and is under its genetic potential (calculated based on the parent's height), its growth slows and even experienced a delay in puberty. The condition is a sign of Turner's syndrome. Almost all girls who experience short-bodied Turner syndrome.

Turner syndrome is a syndrome specifically attacked the girls. It is estimated that 1 out of 2,000 girls in the world are suffering from Turner syndrome. Children who experience the syndrome requires a special way to let Turner grow their optimal flower so that it can perform the activity as a normal child.

In Indonesia alone, the number of children women are having as much as Turner syndrome 59000 people. It is estimated there are still many girls who have yet to Turner syndrome sufferer was detected.

Then, how to recognise children suffering from Turner syndrome?

In 1939, a doctor named Henry Turner has finds symptoms in children of women who experienced the syndrome of Turner, in which experiencing sex chromosome loss children well on her body.

As many as 95 percent of Turner's syndrome sufferer's stature. Not only that, the children experience the syndrome of Turner was a child experiencing problems of infertility, heart disorders, disorders of kidney shape, hypertension, impaired vision, hearing loss.

As for his physical traits, usually children have winged neck, elbow arm that cannot be straightened (cubitus valgus), fingers are short, chubby-faced, as well as a member of a swollen body motion (limfedema).

Well, if the little one shows such signs should immediately consult a doctor to get further handling. More quickly handled, it will be better.