How To Create Twins

How To Create Twins

How To Create Twins

The phenomenon of twins has become one of the biggest puzzles of nature at this time. Two identical beings (almost identical) who know each other in a mother's womb and connected to each other for life. They are two of the individual personality and one organism that simultaneously exist at the same time.

Married couples often ask, how do I create twins?, how do I quickly got pregnant with twins? and other such questions. Doctors generally cannot provide a definitive answer to questions like this.

However, there are several versions of how to make a child born twins based on facts that are often found in women who gave birth to twins. Even though some of it is a hypothesis that can not be 100% as a reference.

Below are some of the factors that often occurs in women who gave birth to twins.

some of the factors that often occurs in women who gave birth to twins

Hereditary Factors

Women and men from my grandmother who was born twins usually have children who are also twins. It is a proven fact. So you can consider this fact when planning a pregnancy. The twins acquired will easily be the surprise for his parents. If you have a family with twins, ask them also how to "how to make a child born twins?" To ensure that you can also get the twins.

Food Factor

There are also other ways to obtain pregnancy and the birth of twins. Experts say that women who consume large amounts of sweet potato could easily be having twins. Some southern state who regularly consume sweet potato have twins. The problem is this kind of food contains certain elements that can affect fertility.


Some doctors think that breastfeeding can play an important role in obtaining the birth of twins. If a pregnant woman in a condition still breastfeeding then will have twins based on most cases frequently occur.

Age Factor

Content specialist also stated that women who became pregnant at age 35 or older have greater opportunities for obtaining a pregnancy of twins. Although the main question women in general how to get pregnant fast, so this time it is not recommended for pregnant in the age. Moreover, common health problems at age 35 or older. A 35-year-old woman who is typically less healthy than with a woman still was 20-25 years.

Fertility Medications

There are several kinds of drugs quickly became pregnant from a prescription to increase fertility in women who are directly impacted on the body of a woman and usually they will be pregnant with twins. Doctors can prescribe certain medication given to a woman to give birth to a child with the possibility of more quickly.

Sometimes, too, the twins are often synonymous with myth. But despite the fact that scientists have revealed some secrets, many people still think of them as something extraordinary. The unseen hard to understand relationships between each baby twins. How can they mutually feel the pain each other.

Women who truly crave the twins could have been successful if their family history both on the part of the couple has had children who were also twins. In many cases, they are potentially a 60%-80% to conceive twins as noted scientists.