Stem Cells Not Treat All Diseases

Stem Cells Not Treat All Diseases

Stem Cells Not Treat All Diseases

As a promising new therapy, stem cells into people's expectations. However, limited information makes misunderstanding about stem cells is high. As a result, citizens are victims of advertising agencies that offer therapy at home and abroad without the support of research.

Stem cells are considered as a therapy that can cure all kinds of diseases. In fact, it was only for the treatment of degenerative diseases related to aging, cell mutation and cell malignancy.

"coronary heart disease, cardiac pump impairment, diabetes mellitus, stroke, Parkinson's, as well as a number of cancers and bone disorders can be treated with stem cells," said Secretary of the Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Surabaya (SRMSCC) Purwati in Jakarta, Wednesday (28/10) ,

SRMC formed Regional General Hospital Dr. Soetomo, Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga (Unair), and the Institute of Tropical Disease Airlangga University.

The therapy was developed in the world in 1996 and in Indonesia since 2007. The basic mechanism of therapy is repairing damaged body cells to function normally. Cells used to improve the form of stem or stem cells from the patients own (autologous) or from another person (allogeneic).

Chairman of the Consortium for Stem Cell and Tissue Development Farid A Moeloek said stem cells can be taken from embryos, umbilical cord blood, from bone marrow, peripheral blood and fat tissue of adults.

However, in Indonesia, from embryonic stem cells has not been done because the conflict prone ethics and religious norms.

However, stem cell therapy is risky. According to the Head of Research Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) in Jakarta, which is also the developer of stem cell therapy for cartilage injuries, Andri Lubis, risks stem cell therapy depends on the type of stem cells taken.

Increasingly initial stem cells are taken, such as from an embryo or umbilical cord blood, the higher the potential and the risks greater.

While stem cells taken in adults, the more potential small, but the risk is small.

"The rejection of the body on stem cells taken from the patients body is smaller than that taken from someone else," he said.

Future trends

Services pioneering stem cell-based research is RSCM Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia and hospitals Soetomo. Since 2014, 2 RS was so provider of service-based stem cell research in the 10 other hospitals, eight of them in Java.

"Stem cells become the trend of the future, replacing the conventional therapy with drugs and syringes," said Farid.

Head of Integrated Services Unit Stem Cell Medical Technology RSCM-FKUI Hadisoebroto Ismail said stem cell therapy carried out since 2007 in the institution.

So far, the treatment has been performed on 42 patients with bone disorders, 43 patients with heart problems, diabetics 3, and 5 patients with burns.

However, Ismail warned, the services of stem cell therapy is still under research, yet so service medical standards. It does not only happen in Indonesia, but worldwide.
Therefore, the services provided must be based on research and clinical trials to ensure patient safety and evidence-based medical services.

"Because of not so standard therapy, stem cell therapy costs have not secured the National Health Insurance and other health insurance," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of SRMSCC Ferdinand said, since 2008, 379 patients received stem cell therapy in his institute.

They consisted of 99 patients with diabetes mellitus, 40 patients with knee joint pain, 30 patients with stroke, and 12 cardiac patients. The rest, 198 patients with liver disease, nerves, and blood diseases.

"The rate of improvement in diabetic patients 30-100 percent," said Purwati. The success rate depends on the severity of pancreatic patients and obesity that would give a different response when therapy is given.

In addition to limited service centres, private laboratories to develop stem cells that play a role in Indonesia only two laboratories. While only one bank deposit stem cells from umbilical cord blood are accredited Ministry of Health.

Therefore, Farid appealed to citizens not easily persuaded by advertising the services of stem cell therapy, both from institutions in the country and abroad without adequate medical evidence, just testimony alone.

Many stem cell product produced a number of institutions in Indonesia. "According to the strategic plan of the Ministry of Health, Indonesia allogeneic products targeted to host in their own country in 2023," said Director of PT Prodia StemCell Indonesia Cynthia R Sartika.

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