The Secret Has A Smooth White Skin Toned And Look Beautiful Naturally.

The Secret Has A Smooth White Skin Toned And Look Beautiful Naturally.

Way for Whites, Smooth and Toned

The smooth white skin naturally without finish, is one of the most desired by women. The reason, he wanted to look beautiful especially in the eyes of your opponent's kind, you may also be the case. I'd ask the same question to 5 friends man I, "like what the heck the criteria of beautiful women according to you?" three of the five replied that: "the beautiful woman that one of them is a woman who has a natural, smooth white skin instead of white because the finish or powder."

Well, this may also be one of the reasons why many women willing to do everything to make their skin look naturally white. Often they are even willing to pay a little bit not just to buy the actual skin whitening products is not necessarily matched by their skin type.

To whiten the skin, actually you don't need to pay an expensive. You can make your own at home skin care. You could try tips to whiten skin with natural ingredients, although the results are not instant plus a rather complicated way, but how to whiten skin naturally this could save costs plus the safe thing to do. How do you do? The following tips to naturally treat skin here.

A. good habits that can whiten skin naturally

The following are some of the things which if done regularly can be beneficial to your skin.

1. Maintain the cleanliness of the skin.

This first step is very important to do. because one of the causes of dull skin is because there is dirt and bacteria on the skin. In addition routine with clear skin, can prevent skin diseases such as acne, etc. Clean your skin at least 3 times in a day. You can also clean the skin in the morning wake up each time, noon, afternoon and night before you sleep. Make sure you also take a shower on a regular basis.

2. Routine Drinking water white.

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, as it can make your body healthier. Besides being able to nourish the body, consuming lots of water can also make your skin always fresh and not dried. The skin of people who seldom drank plain water with that will not be different. The skin of people who regularly drink plain water will usually look more moist and fresh.

3. Routine Sports.

At least workout routine try jogging one time per week. Or you can also do light gymnastics so that your body secretes perspiration causes disease. By exercising your skin will look firmer and can inhibit premature wrinkles on the skin.

4. Performing Wudu.

For you are a Muslim, you certainly know what is wudu, ablution is cleaned up before we were about to carry out prayers. People who are diligent in praying 5 times in a day, definitely skin face will look brighter. Why because each will carry out prayers, he would clean up the Peel 5 times in a day, so the cleanliness of her skin will awake and spared from other skin problems.

5. Keep Smile.

Yep correctly, the skin of people who often smiled happily will look healthier skin rather than people who are daily preoccupied with pouting because too much thought to the issue. So, reduce the sullen thou smile, just do not smile-a smile without reason.

6. Avoid cigarette smoke.

If you are a smoker, to get a smooth white skin you should begin to reduce even quit smoking, because cigarette smoke can also interfere with the health of the skin. Try your skin to avoid cigarette smoke.

By doing the above, good habits are not only smooth white skin you will get but, you will get a more toned skin and to avoid premature wrinkles.

B. How to get smooth white skin with natural ingredients.

In addition to doing some quirks already mentioned above, you can also make your own skin care at home. You could try a smooth white skin recipes using natural ingredients that are already lowered hereditary from our ancestors. In addition to safe, do a skin care with natural materials can also save costs, yes although it may be somewhat complicated way. But mending a bit tricky little than simple but risky, here's some natural materials that we can use to whiten skin.

1. Egg whites.

In the white of the egg, there are two substances that can be beneficial to moisturise and whiten the skin, substances are lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these substances can protect your skin from the skin thus ultraviolet light beam will look more healthy, moisturised and soft. Did you know, many people are using egg whites for face masks.

2. White water.

To meet the needs of the minerals your body with regular drinking plain water at least 8 glasses/day.. In addition beneficial for maintaining the health of your skin, the white water can also keep your concentration is maintained.

3. Avocado Fruit.

The fruit of this one, besides being tasty it turned out that also we can use to treat the skin. How easy does not need to be mixed other materials, live just smeared our skin. Besides being good for the skin, this avocado fruit can also be used for hair care, in the same way live just on the hair brush to evenly aka make hair mask. These tips I can from the show Dr. OZ.

4. Strawberry Fruit.

Why fruit strawberries, Strawberry fruit because it has a high vitamin C content. In addition fruit strawberries also contain collagen which can help brighten the skin. Vitamin C is also an active role in whitening the skin. Thus, Many consume fruits that contain vitamin c.

5. How to whiten the skin of the other:

In addition to using the fourth way above you can also use a 3 way to brighten the skin such as whiten skin with:

  • The Body lotion and carrot.
  • Honey, sugar, and bananas. 
  • Rice and olive oil

6. Plum tomatoes.

Actually I am confused, because mention tomatoes, because some say it contains tomato vegetable category, there is also mention of including fruits. Ah, but that's not important, the important benefits. Tomatoes contain lycopene which also can protect your skin from the Sun. Consume sufficient amounts of tomatoes each day can stimulate the collagen in your skin, so skin remains taut.

7. Soya.

This includes soya into types of nuts. Soya rich in isoflavones are beneficial in maintaining the skin to stay toned. Consume sufficient amounts of soya can make your skin more toned and healthy.

8. Apple.

In apples contained the substance called Quercetin and antioxidants which can help to prevent problems or damage that occurs to the skin. In addition routine consume fruits apples can also help you avoid diseases of skin cancer. But be careful, in the seeds of apples there is little content of toxins. But relax, because we do not eat the seeds. Furthermore the toxins in the seeds of apples are not too dangerous for humans.

By doing the above good habits on a regular basis, not only the smooth white skin you will get but, you will get a more toned skin and avoid early skin wrinkles.

That's some tips have smooth white skin and toned naturally. If the companions have other tips, please share in the comments field, may be useful for anyone reading. Thank you.

Powerful Ways to Overcome Whitish Itching.

Powerful Ways to Overcome Whitish Itching.

Powerful Ways to Overcome Whitish Itching - All women will definitely experience menstruation and vaginal discharge. Menstruation and vaginal discharge is common and certainly experienced by women. But it could happen that whiteness signifies an illness.

Therefore, you should be able to distinguish between normal vaginal discharge and abnormal. Many women also experience excessive vaginal discharge, so that will make the woman uncomfortable because it will feel wet. Moreover, if the discharge is accompanied by intense itching. So women must know how to cope with itchy vaginal discharge. Because vaginal discharge can be a sign of illness.

Irritation when experiencing vaginal discharge would make it uncomfortable. By knowing how to cope with vaginal discharge that itches, it will make the discharge becomes itchy again. Here are some ways you can do:

Powerful Ways to Overcome Whitish Itching

1. Maintain the cleanliness of sex organs

Everyone should keep the body, especially the sex organs. For women, are required to always maintain the cleanliness of the vagina, vaginal discharge itching that can be lost. Itchy vaginal discharge may occur due to the presence of bacteria in the vagina. Therefore, if you maintain the cleanliness will make the bacteria do not dare to approach and you will not be attacked itchy vaginal discharge.

There is now a lot of vagina cleanser that you can use to clean your sex organs. However, the drug is not recommended or feminine hygiene done with a long-term or long. This is because it can kill bacteria
both in the vagina. Therefore, it would be better if you use clean water and dry using a towel or tissue.

2. Use the product balt salt

How to cope with further itchy vaginal discharge is to use products containing balt salt. In addition you can also use anti-septic. Whitish itching can be caused by fungi, bacteria and others, so using these products will inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi.

3. Do not scratch it

When your vaginal itch, do not ever scratch. This is because it will make the itching worse. If it is so, do not use warm water to wash or compress, because it will make your vagina flushed. It would be better if you use ice water to compress, due to cold temperatures can make the bacteria or fungi die.

4. Removing the panties

It would be better if before you sleep off his pants in, is intended that the vagina can breathe or also can eliminate vaginal moisture. The vagina is moist to be highly favored by bacteria or fungi, which can cause itchy vaginal discharge.

5. Avoid tight pants

The final way to overcome discharge itching is to avoid using tight pants. Tight pants can make the growth of bacteria or fungi growing rapidly. This is because the vagina does not get air and moisture.

Those are some ways to overcome itchy vaginal discharge. Whitish this type would greatly disrupt the sufferer, because it will cause tremendous itching and can not be detained. Hope it is useful.

5 Food Important To You Quickly Get Pregnant.

5 Food Important To You Quickly Get Pregnant

5 Food it is important that you quickly get pregnant - For couples who are newly married, the pregnancy must be awaited. In addition to sex, condition your body and your partner must also be continually maintained in order for the process of pregnancy can run smoothly.

Excellent physical health and mental calm will greatly affect the stability of the hormones in the body. The physical health of many kinds, one of which is the diet and the food itself. Here are 5 foods that can make your fertility improves and quickly became pregnant.

List Of Foods In Order To Quickly Get Pregnant

This List Of Foods In Order To Quickly Get Pregnant

1. Green vegetables

Green vegetables
Green vegetables are important once consumed, especially broccoli. Green vegetables contain folic acid and B vitamins that are good for both men and women. In women, folic acid and vitamin B helps the formation of the egg and ovulation improves.

In men, in addition to nourish the body, making the content more healthy sperm and not easily damaged. The risk of miscarriage and genetic problems in infants can also be prevented with green vegetables.

2. Nuts

You should immediately replace the saturated fat found in the instant food be unsaturated fats are even good for health. One of these good fats have on nuts. Vegetable protein contained therein also very help pregnancy occur.

A study at Harvard says that women with high levels of animal protein
often have difficulty in pregnancy. Well, immediately switched to nuts to lower the risk.

3. Salmon

Big fish eaters of other fish typically should be avoided by pregnant women because it contains heavy metals such as mercury are high. But the salmon thus recommended for pregnant women. Low discharge absorption and muscle are much as they often move against the water makes this fish highly sought.

In addition, a high omega 3 content on salmon reproduction hormones could help the mother to keep it stable. So, pregnancy can occur when frequently consume fish.

4. Wheat bread

Wheat bread
Whole wheat bread is a complex carbohydrate that take a long time to digest. Therefore, this type of bread is perfect to prevent diabetes because it could stabilize the hormone insulin. A study suggests women with high blood sugar have only the hope of pregnancy by as much as 50%.

So for those of you who want to get pregnant but has a bad history with blood sugar is recommended to replace your daily carbohydrates with whole wheat bread.

5. Olive oil

Olive oil
Insulin is one of the hormones that affect menstruation. Therefore, when insulin levels is balanced, then the menstruation, ovulation, fertilization and embryo formation can run smoothly. Olive oil is very instrumental to improve insulin sensitivity.

Therefore, the consumption of olive oil on food is highly recommended for pregnant mothers-to-be. You can mix it with salad or mixed with other foods.

Not only consume food that is healthy and balanced, you should also increase the fitness of your body by exercising regularly.

How To Make Natural Anti Aging For women Over 30 Years Old.

How to make a natural Anti Aging for women over 30 years old.

How to make a natural Anti Aging for women over 30 years old - When a person aged over 30 years, or 30 years of age, usually not a few of them are concerned with skin problems. Some sign of premature aging such as wrinkles and fine lines usually begin to appear.

However, you need not worry if following some of the following tips can help you to cope with signs of aging on the skin, such as wrinkles and fine lines. Here are tips to prevent natural aging skin you can apply yourself at home.

5 natural ingredients to make Anti Aging Cream

A. Eggs

  • The first way is to make use of the egg. First to provide 1 teaspoon of egg white and then place it in a bowl.
  • Add half teaspoon Malai, and half a teaspoon of Lemon water.
  • Mix well, then apply on your face and leave on for approximately 15 minutes before rinsing with cool water.
  • You can repeat it again in the holidays or on the following days to help eliminate the signs of aging.

B. Carrots

The carrot is known as one of the medicinal plants which are also widely used for vegetable. How to make use of them is quite simple:

  • You can cut a carrot thinly then add potato half cut.
  • Heat the water and then boiled carrots and potatoes, then mash until smooth.
  • After that, add a little baking soda and turmeric and then mix well.
  • Use for smearing your face and let sit for two to 5 minutes then rinse with warm water.

This package will help you reduce wrinkles on the face and eliminate fine lines and makes the skin feel smoother and softer.

C. Rose Water

Provide the rose water, then add 1 drop of Glycerin and 2 drops of lemon water. We'll create a package for the face and neck that will be applied by using a cotton ball.

  • Mix the above ingredients are third and mix until blended.
  • Use a cotton swab to apply it on your face and neck as a moisturizer.

This is a natural moisturizer that can also help eliminate the signs of aging and also beneficial to make skin look younger.

D. Coconut Milk

Making coconut milk is certainly not too hard. You just need to rasp the old coconut then juicing and take his coconut milk. Coconut milk has a lot of benefit mainly to make the face look youthful.

The way it is used is not difficult. Simply moisten your face with coconut milk, and then leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing with cool water.

E. Banana

  • Provide 5 or 6 a banana is ripe, then puree and mix with warm water.
  • While already form a paste, apply on your face and neck and then leave it on for 10 or 15 minutes before washing with warm water.

Natural ingredients made from bananas can also help make the skin becomes firmer and looks more shine.

So 5 easy ways to treat skin to prevent premature aging naturally. Please select the above ingredients are easily found around you. With the treatment regularly, keep your skin fresh, glowing and free of wrinkles.

5 Easy Ways To Utilize Bananas For Beauty.

5 Easy Ways To Utilize Bananas For Beauty.

5 easy ways to Utilize Bananas for beauty - Almost all people would love the banana, especially when it's in a State of mature. In addition, the fruit of this one is very popular and easy to find, because it never knew the season and could bear fruit at any time. Do you like banana?

In addition to easy you found, the banana turns out to have many benefits. The banana is a healthy fruit containing vitamin A, B, C, and E, and contains a variety of minerals such as zinc, iron, manganese, etc. When we routinely consume, the body will become more healthy and prevent various diseases.

However, do you know that there are many other benefits that can be provided by banana when we use it as an ingredient of beauty products. For more details, try to find out some tips for beauty benefits of bananas here.

5. Powerful ways to utilize bananas beauty.

A Natural Moisturizer.

Provide a ripe banana puree and then apply it on the face and neck.
Leave for a few moments, such as 20 or 30 minutes.
Afterwards rinse using warm water.

The benefits of applying a banana in the skin of the face and neck is as a natural moisturizer that has dry skin. If upon very dry and scaly, it is worth you also add honey.

Because bananas and honey when used simultaneously will help overcome the dull and dry skin. In addition, the banana will also help eliminate the pigmentation of black or black spots on the skin.

B. Lightens Skin

Prepare a ripe banana then mash or puree.
Add approximately 2 tsp (teaspoon) water
lemon, then
Mix well and apply it on the face and neck.
Let sit for about 20 or 30 minutes before it is washed using warm water.

Shortly after cleaning your face will look brighter skin. Utilizing this natural mask can also help reduce spots and freckles on the face.

C. Lifting Dead Skin Cells

Prepare a ripe banana, then
Add granulated sugar, then
Apply on your face and give it a massage with circular movements.
After a while, rinse your face with cold water.

This method is very useful for removing dead skin cells. Bananas will work as a moisturizer and sugar will work as an exfoliator.

D. Anti Premature Aging

Provide a ripe banana, then provide also an avocado is ripe, then
Mix and puree until blended.
After that, apply on your skin or in your face, and let sit for 20 to 30 minutes before rinsing.

Benefits of avocado and banana are for anti aging. When you want a toned skin, apply on a regular basis so that wrinkles can be reduced.

E. Relieve Puffy Eyes

Not a few of us who often have puffy eyes especially upon waking up, whether it's during the day or in the morning. When you want to immediately eliminate it, you can take advantage of ripe banana. Here's how?

Take a ripe banana then pieces and puree, then Apply around eyes swollen and you leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before washed using cold water. After that you will notice swelling in the eyes instantly deflated and finally disappeared.

Well, such powerful benefits 5 bananas for you need to know about beauty. Banana is one of the versatile fruit. Therefore, there is no harm if you use it as a basis for treating the skin as explained above.

Understanding And Benefits Of Oxygen Facials That Need You Know.

Understanding And Benefits Of Oxygen Facials That Need You Know.

Understanding and benefits of Oxygen Facials that need you know - If in the past you had a soft face and the skin is smooth like a baby, probably now, as saw it in the mirror and when touching it, the skin of your face has changed, whether it's because of the lifestyle, because the environment and because of the food you consume each day.

It is indeed very difficult to avoid first because the world where we live is a world that is already contaminated with various pollutants.

But when you worry too much, it will certainly also not too good. As it is, can lead to paranoid. Now there is already Oxygen facials can help restore the condition of your face for the better.

Well, if you want to find out the full benefits and advantages of using Oxygen facials, here are some of them.

The benefits and advantages of using Oxygen facials

1. Make the face More Luminous

Oxygen facial is one solution for women who have a dry facial skin. Pollution and various impurities causing damaged and dry facial skin. Therefore, it needs a moisturizer that can penetrate the skin tissue to provide oxygen in the face.

One that can be used is Oxygen facials that can restore the skin's PH level to normal conditions. This method will help the skin face many problems that can cause them to be damaged especially due to pollution and sunlight.

2. Face Blushes

Who wouldn't want to look beautiful? I'm sure that almost all of our mendambakannya. If want to appear prettier and looks pinkish in color, you can use the Oxygen facials to rejoice upon.

Oxygen facial removes impurities and can help deliver fresh oxygen on the epidermis of the skin. When applied regularly, will give new life to the skin, especially that looks very dry and dull. Another benefit that we can get them is able to increase the circulation of blood around the facial tissue, raising the quality of suppleness and brightness of the skin.

If applied regularly, you will see your face looks pinkish in color and Sheen,
very natural, especially caused the existence of effects of oxygen.

3. Free of Acne

Yups, acne! One of the problems of facial skin that almost is endless. Oxygen facial offers remarkable results especially in order to make the skin appear more beautiful. As we know that oxygen can also help us fight free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for aging.

The oxygen that we use will trigger collagen production so your skin becomes firmer. With skin that turned into a taut, then a line of fine lines and wrinkles or spots will be reduced. That way, any skin appear younger than it should be.

4. Eliminate toxins

Another benefit of this is to eliminate facial removes the danger of toxic either because of stress as well as pollution. Provide oxygen to the face can make it fresher, younger, and more bright.

In addition, the face would be free from blemishes and acne scars. All black spots, both due to injuries as well as acne scars due to sunburn could be gradually reduced if you routinely utilize oxygen facials.

5. Tighten the skin

As already expressed in the previous points, the actual benefits of providing oxygen facial very much, mainly to detoxify, moisturize, and improve the skin tissue. Giving fresh oxygen on the epidermis of the skin will create a space to do regenarasi.

As a result, the skin will be clean and free from dead skin cells. Thus, the skin will be firmer no wrinkles, not dry and does not flake.

6. Brighten

When you crave for radiant skin, try utilizing oxygen facials. In addition to addressing the dull skin, can also help the formation of collagen and protects the skin from the dangers of the Sun.

With regular use, Oxygen facials can inhibit the production of melanin in the skin which indirectly cause the skin to look more bright, dull, and free of damage.

7. The skin More Luminous

If you want a more luminous skin, especially in the not too long you can utilize oxygen. The awarding of the oxygen on the face will help face appear more radiant and.

In addition, you need to know that Oxygen facials are also suitable for various skin types. If you have sensitive skin, its use is also not to worry about because it is free of side effects.

That was the understanding and benefits of Oxygen facial. Perform routine maintenance and extraordinary feel the change in your skin

How to easily Remove Blackheads with Tea Tree Oil.

How to easily Remove Blackheads with Tea Tree Oil.

How to easily Remove Blackheads with Tea Tree Oil - Do you find it so hates with blackheads that constantly look at your nose and cause your face to be not interesting? Do you feel too often clean it and be ashamed of he?

You don't have to worry anymore because there are some solutions that we can take advantage of. One of them is to use Tea Tree Oil.

A. Recognize Tea Tree Oil

Perhaps the name is a little foreign in your ear, but trust me! This is an organic plant has many benefits because it can be used for several things such as:
Helps the skin so that it is free from dirt as it contains antimicrobial.
Useful also to reduce oil on the skin and eliminate acne.
Can be used as a moisturiser because it has the nature of air and can cool down.
Have a nice scent for inhaled because it is very fragrant.

B. the benefits of Tea Tree Oil to eliminate blackheads.

Blackhead is one of the most common skin problem experienced by anyone, be it on women as well as men. And especially in the area around the nose, forehead, and Chin. Not a few who think that was the beginning of acne blackheads. Though blackheads can not contagious, but blackheads that are often disturbing enough that dark-colored appearance.

Actually the blackheads that are generated due to pigmentation can we control and could be prevented from appearing on the surface of the skin. One of them is to use a Tea Tree Oil is an antiseptic and can prevent us from infection.

C. How To Utilize Tea Tree Oil.

Here are ways that you can use to get rid of blackheads using extracts of tea tree oil.

1. As a facial mask

Utilizing the extracts of tea tree oil face mask for this is the simplest way to address blackheads and acne as well.

How to make use of them, combine 3 or 4 drops of tea tree oil with Green Clay. Also add a bit of water, then stir until blended. After that, apply the mask on your face and neck, then leave it on for 20 minutes before being washed using warm water.

Alternatively, you can mix 3 drops of jojoba oil with tea tree oil and then mix well and add the tomatoes already mashed. After you mix to align, apply all over your face especially in the areas that have blackheads. Let stand for about 15 minutes then wash using cold water.

2. The cleanser and Moisturizing

Another benefit is, it can be used to clean the face and serves also as a moisturizer. You can pick up some tea tree oil extract is then used to cleanse your face.

This method will help you eliminate blackheads permanently. Use 2-6 drops only and never more than that. You need to know, do not let the oil on your eyes.

3. As a facial Scrub.

Homemade facial Scrubs can eliminate blackheads, one of the ingredients is basically extract of tea tree oil. How to make use of them is quite simple. First, prepare the sugar then add the olive oil and also add tea tree oil and then mix in the hands of you and stir until blended.

After that, apply it on your face while giving a gentle massage especially in areas of skin that have lots of blackheads.

4. Body Scent.

You can also try to get rid of blackheads is by tea tree oil when used shortly before bathing. Take a few drops of tea tree oil and then mix it with warm water in the basin.

Use to wash your face and use also for bathing. In addition serves to prevent blackheads, the oil serves to add to the aroma of the body to be more fragrant.
Alternatively, you can mix 3 drops of jojoba oil with tea tree oil and then mix well and add the tomatoes already mashed. After you mix to align, apply all over your face especially in the areas that have blackheads. Let stand for about 15 minutes then wash using cold water.

The Easy Way To Get Rid Of Black Spots On The face.

The easy way to get rid of Black spots on the face.

The easy way to get rid of Black spots on the face - Black spots is one of the problems that face the very annoying and can make us lose confidence because the appearance of not being the maximum. You've probably already dressed in fashionable, looks neat and styled with the latest models.

However, if the face is still pocked and scarred many particularly acne scars which resulted in the emergence of the black spots, of course make your appearance is not perfect. In order to make your face appear perfectly matching with the clothes you wear, here are some tips to get rid of black spots on the face with fast and easy.

Materials to get rid of freckles dark spots on face : 

There are three main ingredients that we need and you have to prepare it.
1. Apples peeled and deseeded
2. Plain yogurt 1 or 2 tsp (teaspoon)
3. Honey 1 tsp (teaspoon)

How To Manufacture

  • Cut the apples into small.
  • Put in blender.
  • Add plain yogurt 1 or 2 tsp.
  • Add honey have you prepare.
  • Blender to smooth the third such materials.
  • Place the results of Your blender in a cup or bowl.
  • Apply the Paste on your face until it dries or rest 15 to 20 minutes.
  • After that, rinse your face with cold water.

Why We Use Face Masks?

We often read a few articles on the internet that make use of different types of fruit to be used as a face mask so that softer, smoother, and some of which can also produce a healthier face and shining.

A blend of yogurt, apples and honey actually has many benefits, especially because this material is a third component that contains a lot of nutrients and very good for the skin. To find out further, here are some of the benefits and content owned by each of these three ingredients.

A. Apple

As many of us have heard that Apple is one of the magic fruit that can keep us from the doctor. This fruit contains a lot of vitamin C and also have antioxidant properties that are so important to skin health. Other content owned by Apple are collagen and elastin are both essential ingredients that can help keep the skin in order to remain youthful.

Apples are also rich in flavonoids will help protect the skin from ultraviolet rays of sunlight and the danger of others.

B. Yogurt

In Indonesia might be a rarity of the people consuming this yogurt. However, in developed countries such as those in Japan, Europe and other countries, they actively consume yogurt every day.

Yogurt has many benefits and can help us overcome some of the skin problems such as, can remove stains, can restore the original color to the skin colour is mainly the result of dappled sunlight, can also be used as a mask because it contains some substance that can enlighten and increase skin elasticity.

Several studies have also found that probiotic bacteria have a yogurt that can provide beneficial effects to the skin.

In addition, yogurt also has soothing properties for the skin. When we use it as a mask, can reduce the excess oil on the skin of the face so that the skin becomes softer. Yogurt also contains zinc which is an ideal substance to eliminate black stains.

C. Honey

Benefits of honey certainly are familiar in your ears. Natural products have antibacterial properties can help brighten the skin of the face and make it look more radiant. In addition, it has antibacterial properties of honey also has a very rich in antioxidants. Both the content plays an important role in making the skin becomes younger.

In the world of health and beauty world, honey has been used extensively as the main ingredients or additives. Some even deliberately formulated with cosmetic use honey because it has tremendous benefits. Content of honey which has emollient, mektan, and others will make the skin free of infection pathogens and helps reduce wrinkles and signs of aging.

Honey can also be used as an effective cleanser to get rid of the stain so that it is not wrong when many used for curing acne.

What is Diamond Facial? This Definition and Benefits Diamond Facial.

What is Diamond Facial? This Definition and Benefits Diamond Facial.

What is Diamond Facial? This Definition and Benefits Diamond Facial - There are many different types of facials that can actually be used to beautify and maintain facial skin to stay healthy. In addition to the Diamond Facial, actually there is also oxygen facials that deliver benefits fairly positive for the face.

As many of us know that diamond is also a friend of the beautiful woman. But did you know that diamonds are not only able to shine in the finger, but also can help make the skin more shine?

Diamond Facial may sound a little strange to our ears especially for those of you who have never employed it. But, believe me, there are many benefits we can get from the diamond facial especially for facial care as provided by beauty salons.

The Benefits Of The Diamond Facial

Diamond benefits when used for facial facials are dull and dry skin. In addition, facial types is also one of the most effective solutions in the fight against aging skin. Therefore, many people say that diamond facial is one of medicine's most potent anti aging.

For more details, here are some of the benefits we can take especially for the treatment of facial beauty.

A. The Peeling

Diamonds or diamond is widely used as an agent to exfoliate. The reason is very simple, Diamond offers a better exfoliation effect to the skin compared to other materials. Effect of exfoliation provided also excellent especially in lifting dead skin cells. Thus, the then young and light skin
the glow from your face will appear.

B. To Prevent Premature Aging

Diamond Facial is known as one of the anti aging. Diamonds can help eliminate toxins, and in turn, will purify the skin and AIDS in oxygenation. Other benefits, will increase the skin's metabolic functions so that the active skin cells become more active again. This method will also encourage the regeneration of skin cells and control the effects of aging.

C. Restore The Original Color Of The Skin

If you have dry skin a brownish especially due to various things like pollution, unhealthy lifestyle, or due to the Sun, you can use facial treatments with diamonds to return the color of the skin, and is very effective used in rooting out the blackheads.

D. Mental Satisfaction

Diamonds are indeed not ordinary objects. There are many factors that cause why a diamond is considered one of the luxurious objects when used for facial treatments can increase confidence and make us feel more satisfied mentally, in addition to the benefits that we get at earlier points.

What Is The Diamond Facial Expensive?

Not denied that this is a high end facial treatments that can radiate your skin. Maximum benefit from facial diamonds can be found in conducted by experts.

Maybe in Indonesia is still not a lot we can find in this kind of facial. But abroad, the diamond facial had started much favored.

Diamond Facial Kit

1. Diamond Scrubs

This scrub contains the ashes of diamonds and combined with natural components such as flower extracts, essential oils and walnut. Usually rubbed onto the face as a scrub to remove dead skin.

2. Diamond Detoxification Lotion

Give a soothing effect, clean, and help moisturize the skin.

3. Diamond Massage Gel

Has anti aging properties, tightening of facial skin, reduce fine lines and prevents skin aging.

4. Diamond Face Mask

Very effective when used to address a brownish face due to sunburn or lifestyle. Can be used also to lift stains and makes skin more radiant.

10 types of Headaches that are often experienced by many people

10 types of Headaches that are often experienced by many people

10 types of Headaches that are often experienced by many people - You may have felt ' dizzy ' because of his work. However, the word ' dizziness ' are in fact just as the anti type of how your work is annoying and makes you think hard. However, when you really feel a headache, the headache that you feel the course really interfere with your activities.

Some headaches can be accompanied by nausea. And it gets worse yet, sometimes, when you're a headache then You are exposed to light or excessive noise, it is thus aggravating headache you feel.

But not all headaches that you feel have the same effect. Typically, the first step you are going to do when attacked headache, you will be a short break or stretch out. But when the headaches failed to recover, you may be consuming headache remedy.

The popular headache medicine is Aspirin. However, you need to know, the only headache medications relieve Your headaches without resolving the issue of the cause of your headache.

To be able to resolve the issue of the causes of headaches that You suffered, of course you have to know the cause first. Then after knowing the cause, surely you will be easier to find a suitable treatment to address your headache to root.

The following are the types of headaches that might just suffer.

1. Migraine.

Women usually experience this type of headache. Migraine itself caused due to inflammation of the arteries and blood vessels in the brain, so you feel the pain of the head next to the truly sick. The pain usually starts from the Cantle. You will feel your head like a squeezing, and throbbing.

2. Headaches due to Sinus.

One of the following types of headaches can be said to be seasonal. Why is this so? If you have sinus problems, you will experience headaches due to sinus when cold weather arrives. Not just a sinus headache, usually followed with a little swelling in the face, and watery eyes.

3. A headache because high blood.

Headaches following also belongs to the sick
a common head. If you have a solid day, busy, and stressful, so make your blood pressure rise, you will experience a great headache. In this type, usually you can feel the headache that continuously around the head, neck and shoulders also.

4. Cluster headache.

Despite the headaches this one can be experienced by anyone, generally these types of headaches suffered by men. You will feel pain in the Crown area of one side of your head. The intolerable pains to create stress on your eyes. You can also feel the swelling on the eyelid, runny nose, and also excessive sweating face.

5. Headache due to hormone.

Due to the sudden change in hormones during puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause, women also often suffer from headaches. Not only that, drugs being consumed, such as contraceptive pills can also trigger hormonal changes that cause headaches.

6. Headaches due to caffeine.

Some of you may have felt a headache because of consuming too much caffeine in a cup of coffee. To resolve it, you better start to set up the levels of intake of caffeine in your body to reduce the impact of headache.

7. A headache because of toothache.

Sometimes, when a toothache, the perceived sense of not only the sick alone, but also spread to areas of the head. Not only headaches, bad teeth condition turns to trigger facial pain and swelling.

8. Because of the alcohol hangover headache.

Drinking too much alcohol also can make you suffer from headaches. Not only a headache, you will feel numb for quite some time, eyes reddened, and also nausea.

9. Chronic headaches.

Don't underestimate the following headache. This one headache can occur in adults as well as children. If you suffer from headaches at least 15 days a month, and it is repeated in the next month, you're suffering from chronic headaches.

10. A headache due to the tense eye.

Watching too much television, too long, too long to play the game in front of a laptop or computer, too long reading a book without a good light, it will make your eyes strained. These activities can cause headaches.

That's 10 kinds of headaches that are often experienced by many people. Well, of the cause of the headache, the headache what usually you experienced? It's good when you consult with your physician to find out more details about the cause of your headache to get treatment is right on target.

These advantages and disadvantages Are given birth to Caesar

These advantages and disadvantages Are given birth to Caesar

These advantages and disadvantages Are given birth to Caesar - If there are no complications of pregnancy against You, of course, gave birth to the normally much safer than giving birth in caesarean section. Not only that, give birth normally will tend to be more risky not to toward your next pregnancy-pregnancy, as well as against your fertility.

However, if your pregnancy has problems that did not allow to give birth normally, then bore in caesarean section have to do. You need to know, giving birth in caesarean section turned out to have benefits and risks.

All types of operations performed, the doctor definitely has its own risks. Operation caesar was no exception. Caesarean section is included in one of the major operations in the abdomen and pelvic area. Caesarean section is usually done because there were problems in previous pregnancies and was done in order to save both, either the mother or the baby.

Well, because caesarean section it belongs to one of the types of operation, of course, there are benefits and risks that will be encountered.

The risk of giving birth in caesar:

1. Post-operative pain.

Of course the post-operative pain you will feel. The operations of the former wounds will take time more in the process of healing, than You give birth normally. To tackle it, the doctor will usually provide a medication to help the healing process.

2. The existence of a Risk of infection.

Before doing a caesarean section, you will be given some antibiotics which serves to
prevent the presence of infection. But sometimes, despite having been given some antibiotics, you remain exposed to the infection. Some of the symptoms of infection can happen, bleeding and fever. When that happens, it would be nice if you immediately contact a doctor.

3. The existence of frozen blood clots.

Some operations will shape opportunities in your body in the presence of blood clots increases the risk of freezing. Frozen blood clots could not be underestimated. Frozen blood clots that can clog up your essential organs, and can impair Your organs.

4. The presence of adhesion.

Caesarean section is very likely to make the organ you have adhesion's. Adhesion is the bonding between one organ with organ more dangerous, for disrupting the work function of the organ of one and other.

5. The effects of the anaesthetic.

Most of the epidural anesthesia using caesarean section. Use of epidural or spinal anaesthetic is safer to use, but it has a pretty bad side effects if not used wisely, that is a terrific headache, as well as the existence of long term effects in the form of nervous disorders.

The benefits of giving birth in caesar :  When you plan to give birth in caesar, you know the time when your baby will be born. You will not experience a contraction, or feel the pain because of the contraction as it was felt the time would give birth normally. Caesarean section will help you to not slip from the uterus that can lead to vaginal prolapse.

Give birth normally or in caesarean section is performed with the purpose of each. Caesarean section usually ever do when giving birth normally not allowed to do. The earlier you can consult your doctor about are there any problems that you will encounter on a delivery later, so you have to give birth by performing a caesarean section or not. Thus some of the benefits and risks of caesarean section which not many people know about. Hopefully it helps!

10 Powerful Ways Of Discouraging The Abdomen After Childbirth Ceasar

10 powerful ways of discouraging the abdomen after childbirth Ceasar

10 powerful ways of discouraging the abdomen after childbirth ceasar - One of the important stages in the life of a highly-awaited women are giving birth. Give birth to children who are funny, and build a harmonious family is always yearning to each couple in the world.

After the process of giving birth, then you embrace your inner fruit, it feels all the pain you get when childbirth gone already. But some time later, you gain weight you are still hard invited compromise post-birth.

Especially when you're giving birth by caesarean section. Usually women who do a caesarean section to give birth to the process not get flat tummy afterwards.

But don't worry, the stomach flat as they are not impossible to return obtained by women who give birth before the caesarean section.

 The following are some tips that you can do to shrink the stomach after caesarean section.

tips that you can do to shrink the stomach after caesarean section.

1. Breast feeding.

Believe it or not, breastfeeding will help You lose weight after giving birth by caesarean section. Breastfeeding exclusively for six months can help you to lose weight at the same time discard the fat that is in your stomach, Your stomach so that it slowly will align your dreams.

2. The first six months are very crucial.

Don't underestimate the time first 6 months post-birth in caesarean section. After giving birth, your body still has remnants of the pregnancy hormones are circulating throughout the body. In addition, there is still fat in your body. You have to continue to fight to lose weight to get a flat stomach.

3. Use the Abdominal Belt.

Use the Abdominal Belt is indeed a very painful and annoying. But you don't need to use it at any time. The objects you can use at times when you are not in the bustle. And the object you can loose the time eating, sleeping, or when going to the toilet.

4. Use the abdominal Binder.

To bind the stomach, you can use the abdominal binder. Post caesarean section you can use this abdominal binder with elastic fabric or muslin cloth such as gauze. Doing so will help push your stomach. You can do this 2 not after caesarean section when former network operations you have been healed.

5. Begin to yoga.

Yoga is one of gentle exercise, which does not need to be far left the fruit of your heart as it can be done at home. In addition, with yoga, you can do the movements that can help make your stomach flat back post-birth in caesarean section.

6. Kegel Exercises.

Kegel exercise is basically the floor exercise the vagina. You should practice your vaginal muscles pulling in, hold it for 30 seconds and release it again. It also helps to lose belly fat post caesarean section.

7. Drink lots of water.

By drinking lots of water, it can help you to lose belly fat post caesarean section. Water can help restore fluid balance of the body. Water can also be pushing excess fat then Your body system is uninstalled.

8. Massage the fat.

If you do not feel strong to do the exercises or sports-sports post caesarean section. You can do a massage the fat. This massage can help strengthen your muscles and also helps You lose weight.

9. Low fat Diet.

If you are breast feeding, do not go on a diet of carbohydrates because you will really need carbohydrates for energy while you are breastfeeding. But in addition to carbohydrates, you also need proteins, fresh vegetables and fruits. This low fat diet you can apply by avoiding fatty foods such as butter, candy, etc.

10. Go for a walk.

If you are not yet strong enough to jog, or exercise treadmill, cardio exercise, or you can replace it with a relaxing walk in the morning. Brisk walking pace and begin to slowly accelerate its speed so that you can run again.

From some of the tips above, you need to consider is do these activities surely after all the network Your caesarean section scar wound healed. So that they cannot interfere with wound healing and faster dries up, activities that require too much motion, should You avoid in advance. Good luck!

Natural Face Masks For Beauty At Night

Natural Face Masks For Beauty At Night

Natural face masks for beauty – so that the confidence we have, its main financier is a beauty, in particular for women. With look beautiful they will feel strong confidence when the activity, so that they will feel comfortable when carrying out their activity. If the confidence is less, activity a day will pass through the day with nervous. To beautify your face can use natural facial masks.

Use a mask that is natural because the materials used will be friendly to your face. So there will be no side effects occur which can make your face is getting damaged. Natural face masks for itself when you can use it morning, noon or night. But it would be good if you use it at night because at night the faces you experienced skin regeneration. So that when the fitting to do treatment.

Natural face masks for beauty

Natural face masks for beauty

1. Red wine Mask.

For natural face masks at the time of the evening, you can use the mask of red wine. The content of antioxidants found in red grapes. The antioxidant content of this very influential to make the face be beautiful, because it is able to resist wrinkles and fine lines on the face due to aging.

How to use the masks red wine is also extremely easy i.e. you stay put or flatten the red wine have you puree. Then let stand a few minutes until the contents contained in red wine can be permeated with the maximum. Then you rinse your face to clean.

2. Turmeric.

In addition to red wine, you can also use turmeric as a natural face masks for beauty at night. To make this turmeric face mask, you need to add sandalwood powder. The face glow and bright will be radiated by using turmeric mask. How to use it is also quite easy, you just put the mixture of both material with the addition of the fresh milk into your face. Turmeric mask allow it to become dry. Then use warm water to rinse.

3. Cucumber.

In addition to these two ingredients on top, cucumbers can also be use for natural face masks that you use at night. This will make the cucumber mask on your face is getting fresh. How to use cucumber as the mask is also quite easy, there are two ways. Your first slice of cucumber that has you prepare, make thin slices, and then paste it to all parts of your face.

Let stand a few minutes. Then you rinse until clean. For the second way is also very easy i.e. you puree a cucumber, then apply to your face to avoid parts of the lips and of the eyes. Allow the mask to dry out then rinse until completely clean.

4. Milk.

Natural face mask is a mask of milk. To make the mask milk you need to add some salt. How to use it you simply by applying a mixture of both material then let sit a while and rinse. Do before you sleep at night. This milk mask will make your face increasingly bright and fresh.

5. Honey and cabbage.

Natural face masks for beauty at night was the honey masks and cabbage. This mask in the form of cabbage juice and honey. Here's how to use it pretty easy you live the vegetable juice slathered onto your face and leave it around 20 minutes. Then please use warm water to rinse.

That's some natural face mask for whitening the skin that you can use when going to sleep at night. Excellent care is when the evening, because at night the day the skin will regenerate properly. So the result will be more optimally. Please try.

10 Tips For An Easy But Powerful To Overcome Stress

10 Tips For An Easy But Powerful To Overcome Stress

10 Tips for an easy but powerful to overcome Stress - Stress is one of the things that cannot be evaded by anyone who has routines and activities. Sometimes the stress of any health, decreased productivity, and also be decreased. Exhaustion is claimed to be one of the biggest triggers stress.

But in fact, the stress causes his own manifold, not just fatigue. Because of this, then it is very important for you to know the ways and Tips how to overcome stress. If you do not soon resolved, the stress can be bad for your health.

Stress itself has different levels. When stress was still in low levels, should immediately be addressed so that it cannot be stress with high level which can lead to depression.

Here are some simple ways you can do to cope with stress-a small stress that is in your daily routine. You can apply these ways in Your daily routine so that you can avoid prolonged stress.

Tips For An Easy But Powerful To Overcome Stress

1. Know the causes of stress.

The most important thing to do to cope with the stress of course is knowing the causes of stress in itself. When you already know the cause of the stress, then address the cause, you will easily be able to cope with the stress you are going through.

2. Don't rush.

When in a State of being in a rush or hurry, sometimes make you stress yourself. Then, avoid all things that make you hurry. Do everything with well-planned and landscaped. Not only that, doing activities such as setting off to the Office early, and so on, you will be able to live a day with more calm.

3. Make a good morning routine.

So in the morning you don't rush and effectively, you must have
good morning routines, so when waking up, you know what you will do. It will make your life more discipline and you will avoid the stress.

4. Organised.

Be an organised private is one of the things that can reduce your stress levels and can also prevent you from causes of stress. Personal life organised with good tend to be affected by stress.

5. Sleep.

Subtract stayed up late, and sleep enough. Sleep will make you fresh when wake up later. Fresh body and mind fresh in the morning will make you ready to live a day.

6. Think positive.

Positive thinking towards a lot of things will help you to stick to avoid the stress. It is true you will not be able to control something that is going to happen, but with positive thinking, You will be able to accept the fact that will happen, good or bad.

7. Love of work.

If you don't love what you do, you will be easily exposed to stress. Because the work is not your loved one that will be a burden to you. To overcome it, find things that can make you love your work. If your work is a job that makes you at risk exposed to stress, you can compensate by having a hobby that you can do during your work.

8. Good time management.

Have a good time management is also one of assets for you so there is no escape from stress. Plan something with estimated time expected can help you avoid prolonged stress.

9. Stay away from alcohol and smoking.

Living alone may have made You stress. Therefore, do not add the stress levels in the presence of factors such as alcohol and nicotine in cigarettes.

10. The diligent exercise.

It also is not less important. For relaxing the body, you can do light sports such as jogging, swimming, gymnastics, or yoga. It can also help you to avoid the stress.

So 10 easy but very effective tips for coping with stress. From some of the above points, the most important thing is you have to love yourself, be grateful for yourself and always try your best, and accept all risk for what you've done with gracefully, undoubtedly you will avoid the stress. Ready to try?

10 Powerful Ways to Lose Weight Fast

10 Powerful Ways to Lose Weight Fast

10 Powerful Ways to Lose Weight Fast - You belong to one who is trying to lose weight? But long with your weight loss program, it is still not so visible results? More than just a lifestyle, have ideal weight is everyone's dream, far beyond the reasons of appearance, have the ideal weight is useful to keep you from various diseases caused by obesity, such as diabetes, heart disease, and other diseases that no less deadly.

Therefore, weight control is very important for health and fitness. Some of you may feel the weight loss process that was passed slowly and do not give significant results. Do not worry, here are some ways you can do to lose weight quickly. Anything?

Some ways you can do to lose weight quickly.

Some ways you can do to lose weight quickly.

1. Change your lifestyle.

Key first and foremost is to change your lifestyle. If you used to have a lifestyle that does not promote a good diet, then from now on you have to change it. Calculate calories you need each day. Choose foods that are nutritious. Avoid foods that will make the accumulation of fat in your body.

2. Choose the right foods.

When you want to eat out, if you typically choose to eat at fast food restaurants, this time try to visit a restaurant that serves a menu of healthy and nutritious. Not only healthy by eating a nutritious diet-is, undoubtedly, your weight will be controlled at the end.

3. Reduce salty foods.

For those of you who like to eat salty snacks, such as potato snack with herbs salty, this time you have to actually reduce them to get the results of weight loss leading to

4. Familiarise breakfast with food by 300 calories.

For those of you who used to skip breakfast, start now to change your diet to start getting used to start the morning with breakfast. But not only breakfast, yes. The good breakfast with foods that contain 300 calories. By doing so, you will easily control your weight without feeling fatigue and loss of energy.

5. Do a little exercise for five minutes every morning.

If the body or exercise is very important for fitness and vitality. Not enough just to eat nutritious food with a good diet, little exercise every morning for 5 minutes can also help you control your weight.

6. Avoid the bad habit of smoking and alcoholic beverages.

To get to a healthy lifestyle, the next important point that you should avoid is to cut bad habits that become part of your life, such as smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

7. Clean up the contents of your fridge.

If you normally fill your fridge with a fast food store that sold in the supermarket, try changing fill your refrigerator with vegetables and fruits. It will help you to have a healthy lifestyle.

8. Expand to eat vegetables.

Eat more vegetables was not only keeps your body healthy, but it also can make your skin more beautiful. In addition, you can easily control your weight, and thus, a healthy lifestyle you will get.

9. If you want to eat a snack, do not go overboard.

When in between the time you want to enjoy your favourite snack or snack, okay. Origin is one thing you have to remember, do not overdo it. The snack consumption is reasonable and suits your needs. The remaining dressing with fruit if you still want to keep chewing food.

10. Encourage yourself to participate in gym class.

There are many options for you to attend classes outdoors sports. Call it, yoga, gymnastics, zumba and aerobics as well. Sport with friends or together will make your spirit and not boring.

By applying the tips above, you will undoubtedly be easier to control your weight, your weight and return to an ideal weight. Not only that, a little bit you will start to have a pattern and a healthy lifestyle. Good luck!

10 Ways To Wash Your Face Properly

10 Ways To Wash Your Face Properly

10 ways to wash your face properly - One important step in facial treatments to stay healthy and bright certainly is washing the face. It is so important. Why is this so? Because by washing the face, will help remove excess oil and dirt that is still left in your face though before you have to clean it with milk cleansers and air fresheners. Not only that, wash your face can also help avoid problems such as the incidence of acne.

The importance of face washing is also to keep the facial skin to keep it moist. And cannot make it dry. Also avoid facial problem-causing bacteria. However, there are tricks that you should pay attention when washing the face. 

Below are a few tips in a good face wash and true.

1. Before washing your hands.

Before washing your face, wash your hands properly in advance. Because, if you don't wash your hands well, dirt and germs that are in your hands will be in contact with your skin and leave bacteria that will cause problems in your face, like acne.

2. do not use water that is too hot or too cold.

Make sure when washing Your face, using water that is not too hot or too cold. Why is this so? Blood vessels and capillaries of blood You could rupture when you wash your face using warm water. If you are using water that is too cold, your skin will be surprised.

3. Wash your face twice a day.

To keep your skin from Acne danger and keep skin moist, it's good, you have to wash the face two times a day to prevent a new outbreak of acne. For, wash your face twice a day can help reduce the excess oil which is the main cause of the onset of acne.

4. do not scrub too hard your face.

If you plan to get rid of dead skin completely, simply rub Your skin gently. Because the scrubbing too hard on your facial skin when washing the face can hurt your face.

5. Clean your makeup before you wash your face.

If you think that washing your face will remove your makeup with a rinse, you are wrong. Before you wash your face, use makeup remover to clean the makeup on your face. This will also help you to not rub too hard when washing the face later on.

6. Wash your face after washing hair.

After you wash or wash your hair, make sure you wash your face at least with water. Because it will help eliminate dandruff or hair follicles that are stuck in your face. It would be desperately wicked clean your face of one of the causes of acne.

7. do not use a moisturiser on dry skin before washing face.

Use a moisturiser on dry skin really isn't going to work either. Moisturiser will retain water which will not be maximised in the process of washing your face.

8. Don't be too frequent washing of the face.

Wash your face too often because it will make your skin dry and moisture your skin becomes lost. Dry skin can make your skin's functions also be not optimal.

9. when your skin is blotchy, do not use Scrubs while washing your face.

The scrub will hurt your pimples when you wash your face with a foam containing Scrub. Use a soapy lather is smooth and gentle facial wash for skin breakouts.

10. use clean water to wash your face.

Do not use water that is polluted. Make sure that the water you use is clean water to wash your face. It will help you to keep your facial skin to avoid germs and bacteria the cause of problems.

So 10 tips in washing the face appropriately. The above tips you can apply daily to keep your skin stay healthy. Over it all, proper hygiene is maintained when you wash your face is the important points that You can't ignore it. Congratulations on taking care of your facial skin to keep it pretty and charming!

14 bad Habits That Can Damage The Skin Of The Face

bad habits that can damage the skin of the face

14 bad habits that can damage the skin of the face - Has a bad habit of course can affect negatively for the body as well as the surrounding environment. The impact can be a short term impact and effects of the intermediate length. Preferably, before the Customs led to the things you don't want, it cleverly when you start from now leave these bad habits.

For example, you are fond of eating fried foods, but its impact is the cholesterol levels in your body will also increase. Therefore, we recommend that you start from now, subtract eating fried foods and replace it with healthy menu such as vegetables and fruit.

It's no different with skin problems. Some bad habits are unconscious gives bad effects on the skin, especially the face skin. Then what are these habits? The following list of bad habits without even realising You can damage the skin of your face.

Bad Habits That Can Damage Skin

1. Ignore the use of sunblock.

Some of you might not be diligent when having to use sunblock when going out of the House. In fact, the use of sunblock is very important to prevent the UV-A and UV-B rays from the Sun that can burn your skin, and it gets worse, it can lead to skin cancer.

2. Often touching acne.

For those of you who frequent breakouts, once had a habit of touching the acne unawares. Usually because it feels itchy and annoying. Avoid bad habits. Often touch the acne will worsen the State of acne. Your hands carry bacteria that can make your acne getting infected.

3. Use makeup too heavy.

Makeup too heavy, such as the use of a heavy foundation or too exaggerated, will make the pores on your skin covered and could not breathe. It gets worse, it would thus be a trigger for the onset of acne.

4. using the right moisturiser.

Greetings to choose and use a moisturiser will make your skin condition is threatened. Get to know your skin, and use the right moisturiser for your skin type so that is not problematic in the future.

5. Experiment with new products.

Instead, when your skin has been matched and no trouble with one type of product, you do not have to alternate products that make your skin adapts back from the beginning. Because, when your facial skin cannot adapt properly, it will cause problems. The issues that you will face is acne, dry skin, or the skin

6. Cigarette smoking.

Not many of you know that smoking can damage your skin. Smoking will clog and slow down blood flow, in addition, the collagen will not be distributed properly to your face. When collagen is needed by your face.

7. Too much to drink alcoholic beverages.

Any type of alcohol you are drinking is not good for Your body and skin health. Alcohol will make your skin dry, and you will look older than Your actual age.

8. Less drinking water white.

Good drinking water 6 to 8 glasses a day. White water can help unleash the blood circulation in the face. Resolve acne naturally, and can make your face look always fresh.

9. Not enough sleep.

Sleep help rejuvenate the body. Sleep for 6 to 8 hours a day will help relax your facial skin. You will also be spared from eye problems due to lack of panda to sleep.

10. Reduce sugary foods.

Research proves that the sweet and oily foods can cause acne. So if you do not want your facial skin is in trouble, it's best to avoid these types of food.

11. Forget to clean the makeup before going to bed.

Beauty products you normally use contains chemicals that are heavy and clog the pores of the skin of the face. Before going to bed, you must clean up the makeup so that it cannot cause problems, such as acne in the future.

12. Do not diligently exercise.

Diligent exercise will help to make your body fit and of course followed by a healthy face. Your skin cells will be regenerated properly if your physical activity.

13. Do not diligently wash their faces.

Routine and diligently wash the face will help lift the rest of the makeup you have been clear before, and helped raised the dead skin cells. The face will look brighter and glow when you're diligent about washing your face.

14. Do not consume fruit and vegetable.

Change your diet with fruit and vegetable menu. Besides being good for the body, fruit and vegetable has a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which are good for the skin of your face, and prevent premature aging.

That was a list of bad habits that can damage your skin. Actually, there are many other bad habits that will make you regret it because it can damage your skin. From now on, change your lifestyle patterns and to abandon bad habits above, and replace dnegan good habits. Good luck!