Is it true that the "Mood" of the best Women Appear When shopping?

Is it true that the Mood of the best Women Appear When shopping?

Is it true that the "Mood" of the best Women Appear When shopping?

There is a stereotype that's been attached to women, namely the presence of feeling better by the time they go shopping.

It is not nonsense, although many people argue that that view was built by the Corporation to aim their product segments, namely women who shop for hobby. Proven, as quoted from the Bustle (3/4/2015), one of the research in 2013 in the United Kingdom prove that stereotype.

About 2,000 people follow these shopping surveys and prove that the man is already bored of shopping after 26 minutes. As for women being in the best mood when shopping for up to two hours duration.

In the old days, about 8000 BC, humans lived as hunters and gatherers. When the man went out to hunt down the residence, the share of women was as collecting fruits, vegetables, and more.

Keep track of the history, habits of women shopping or accumulate a lot of stuff to be an instinct that there used to be. If first, men hunted animals as its food needs and their shopping habits like according to your needs.

As for the women will be painstaking searching and collecting the fruit or vegetable into a place of much similar to spending habits that tend to look at a lot of places.

Different characters, different attitudes

In fact, if seen farther, women's spending habits are influenced by his character. From the results of a survey conducted by 2013 and then against 9000 correspondent proved, there are three types of women who love shopping, including up to date, explorer, and achiever.

Type up to date will give priority to brand when buying products.

"They (the type up to date) love sports, full of challenges and very fond of technology and gadgets," said Associate Publisher Lifestyle Media.

The different types with type explorer who tend to see products based on trends. Supporting this type of female character is expressive and idealistic. Meanwhile, a female achiever type character lovers family.

However, there are similarities found in the survey. Three types of shopping the woman have in common in a spirit that tends to buy high.

"Women with high buying power, 84 percent are often looking for information before and after shopping. After shopping, they would share information on the other called social shopper, "explains Amy.

Gadget and discounts

The most recent shopping female character would later be called the social shopper changed the way they shop for point of view. Women often make use of integrated Internet gadget to search for information before and after shopping.

To what gadget Internet? Nobody else, to get quality groceries, follow trends, and valuable.

To start searching, proclaimed that women were usually the price of the desired product. They will start from social media to shopping sites often offer discounts in certain times.

One of the shopping sites that often present the discount. In addition to offering discounts, this site also offers discounted rates in a variety of packaging such as Midnight Sale to be held on 27 October 2015, starting at 21.00. A diverse range of products offered is personal care, cameras, mobile phones, electronics, computers, fashion, household, food, hobby, book, and office supplies.

Via gadget and an Internet connection, anyone will more easily find groceries with competitive price. Happy shopping!