How To Redden The Lips Naturally.

How To Redden The Lips Naturally.

How to Redden the lips – lips is identical to a beautiful red lips and Red here is not chewy, red with the use of cosmetics (lipstick), but naturally red or red lip colour that comes out of you.

Before we discuss how to Redden the lips it's good you know – things or causes that can make your lips are not red or black, the goal so that you can anticipate your lip colour is red back into black or pale.

The cause of Black-coloured or pale lips

Cosmetics (lipstick)

Without you even realising it turns with the use of cosmetics or wear with a long time and done periodically, can cause the skin of your lips become dry and black, if you are require to use lipstick it's good you remove lipstick if you already wear within 12 hours. Or you could use a replacement for my lipstick lip gloss.


Nicotine contained in cigarettes can change your lip colour to black, we recommend that you reduce the consume of smoking, or if it can't, you could use a tool that could dampen the nicotine or the substances contained in cigarettes.

Natural Way Redden Their Lips And Proven With Avocado

Substances that are contained in the avocado can heal or remove the black colour on your lips and make your lips pink blushes again, to use this way, you can blend the avocado you have blender with 3 drops of olive oil, your behaviour apply throughout part your lips.

How to Redden the lips naturally further is to use butter. In addition to Redden your lips, using butter you can also cope with dry lips. In this way it is easy to use once you Buttering enough throughout portions evenly on your lips.

Almond Oil

The content of vitamin E found in almonds can moisturise the lips and Redden lips naturally. To use it just like avocado and butter, you simply applying almond oil into the all part of your black lips.

Other natural ingredients can Redden your lips is honey, glycerin, cilantro, yogurt, rosewater, saffron, olive oil and lime juice.

So how to Redden the lips that I give, may be useful for those of you who have a problem with the Black Lips, if anyone would like to ask you, please ask using the comment field below.