5 Food Important To You Quickly Get Pregnant.

5 Food Important To You Quickly Get Pregnant

5 Food it is important that you quickly get pregnant - For couples who are newly married, the pregnancy must be awaited. In addition to sex, condition your body and your partner must also be continually maintained in order for the process of pregnancy can run smoothly.

Excellent physical health and mental calm will greatly affect the stability of the hormones in the body. The physical health of many kinds, one of which is the diet and the food itself. Here are 5 foods that can make your fertility improves and quickly became pregnant.

List Of Foods In Order To Quickly Get Pregnant

This List Of Foods In Order To Quickly Get Pregnant

1. Green vegetables

Green vegetables
Green vegetables are important once consumed, especially broccoli. Green vegetables contain folic acid and B vitamins that are good for both men and women. In women, folic acid and vitamin B helps the formation of the egg and ovulation improves.

In men, in addition to nourish the body, making the content more healthy sperm and not easily damaged. The risk of miscarriage and genetic problems in infants can also be prevented with green vegetables.

2. Nuts

You should immediately replace the saturated fat found in the instant food be unsaturated fats are even good for health. One of these good fats have on nuts. Vegetable protein contained therein also very help pregnancy occur.

A study at Harvard says that women with high levels of animal protein
often have difficulty in pregnancy. Well, immediately switched to nuts to lower the risk.

3. Salmon

Big fish eaters of other fish typically should be avoided by pregnant women because it contains heavy metals such as mercury are high. But the salmon thus recommended for pregnant women. Low discharge absorption and muscle are much as they often move against the water makes this fish highly sought.

In addition, a high omega 3 content on salmon reproduction hormones could help the mother to keep it stable. So, pregnancy can occur when frequently consume fish.

4. Wheat bread

Wheat bread
Whole wheat bread is a complex carbohydrate that take a long time to digest. Therefore, this type of bread is perfect to prevent diabetes because it could stabilize the hormone insulin. A study suggests women with high blood sugar have only the hope of pregnancy by as much as 50%.

So for those of you who want to get pregnant but has a bad history with blood sugar is recommended to replace your daily carbohydrates with whole wheat bread.

5. Olive oil

Olive oil
Insulin is one of the hormones that affect menstruation. Therefore, when insulin levels is balanced, then the menstruation, ovulation, fertilization and embryo formation can run smoothly. Olive oil is very instrumental to improve insulin sensitivity.

Therefore, the consumption of olive oil on food is highly recommended for pregnant mothers-to-be. You can mix it with salad or mixed with other foods.

Not only consume food that is healthy and balanced, you should also increase the fitness of your body by exercising regularly.