10 Bad Habits That Can Damage Eyes

10 Bad Habits That Can Damage Eyes

10 Bad Habits That Can Damage Eyes - In addition to books, the eye is also a window to the world. Surely you should keep a pair of those organs to stay healthy and not problematic. For maintaining eye health, consuming fruits and vegetables containing vitamin A is one of the ways that you can do.

In addition, you can eliminate bad habits that can damage the eye. Well, below are some of the bad habits that can avoid so that you can maintain the health of your eyes. What's it?

10 Bad Habits That Can Damage Eyes 2

10 Bad Habits That Can Damage Eyes.

1. Work under the lights Dim

Doing so may damage your eyes. Why is this so? Your eyes will work harder to keep You still see in light of less while working under dim lights. Eventually it would be disruptive and damaging your eyes.

2. Read under a less bright light

As well as working under the dim lights, read in the light of the less light can damage your eyes. If you want to read, make sure you are getting enough bright light, so you can read comfortably, and your eyes will be awake.

3. Staring at the Sun directly

Avoid staring at the Sun directly because it is dangerous. Always use sunglasses that do have protection against ultraviolet light when your occupation during which requires you to stare at the Sun. This is because sunlight contains ultraviolet light in high levels will damage Your retina.

4. Use of contact lenses while sleeping

It should have You avoid, unless the doctor recommends that you keep using contact lenses while sleeping. Because, your eyes must remain able to syphon oxygen while you're sleeping. When you use contact lenses, the oxygen stream could be disrupted.

5. Use of contact lenses when swimming

Do not use contact lenses when swimming. Why is this so? Because a pool containing many parasites and bacteria, when there is nothing to get into eyes, contact lens would be one place to grew the bacteria and parasites. Use swimming goggles when necessary.

6. Do not be rubbed eyes

Sometimes, when Your hands are itchy, will suddenly rubbed an eye to relieve the itch. Do not make a habit of this. This is because the blood vessels under your eyelids will be broken when you rubbed eyes.

7. Stare at a computer screen or mobile phone for far too long

Staring at a computer screen or mobile phone for too long can also damage your eyes. This can cause your eyes to dry. Rest Your eyes frequently when you are required to stare at a computer or mobile phone in a long time.

8. using the wrong eye drops

Do not carelessly use the eye drops you meet at a pharmacy. It's good you consult first with your eye doctor for an eye drop medication options as to what you should use.

9. Use a mascara that is too long

Your cosmetics contain chemicals that have the time and date of expiration. Check Your mascara, if outdated, you should throw them away, because when you wear it, your eyes could have been contaminated.

10. Do not visit your eye doctor when there is a problem in the eye

Most people will be more likely to visit a pharmacy to buy eye drops medicine when a problem occurs in the eye, rather than visiting the eye doctor. You should first visit your eye doctor when there is a problem in your eyes, so you get the right solution.

Well, that last several negative habits that can endanger the health of the eyes. The eye is a vital organ of your body. To that end, keep your eyes is a necessity by leaving bad habits as written above.